The main objective of the project is to develop a Life Cycle Inventory database of the main Italian supply chains. The database will take into consideration the agri-food products that are important for the Italian economic system and/or relevant in terms of environmental impacts, namely: wine, olive oil, citrus fruits and wheat-based products (pasta and bread). Specifically, the phases of the project will be the following:
1. definition of a coherent and common method to be applied to all products;
2. data collection and construction of inventory data relating to each product;
3. evaluation of data quality, through the elaboration of a genealogical matrix, with specific reference to their reliability.

The results of the proposed project will be:
– a scientific report on the methodological approach adopted for the construction of the database;
– scientific reports of each research unit;
– an LCI database of Italian agri-food products together with updated datasets of the supporting processes (electricity mix, agricultural traction, logistics, waste management) with no less than 200 agri-food files;
– website dedicated to the project which illustrates the scientific documentation and the results;
– Scientific publications in international and national journals.